It’s no surprise that studies have shown repeatedly that nicotine has detrimental effects on your health.
Cigarette smoking has also been linked to impaired fertility in both men and women too and it’s common knowledge that smoking while pregnant can increase your chances of having a miscarriage, reduces birth weight and increases the likelihood of having a premature birth, but what about your developing embryo?
Research published in Stem Cell has reported that exposure to nicotine interferes with the ability of cells in the embryo to communicate with each other, elevated the level of DNA damage, interfered negatively with other cellular processes and increased cell death.
They found that smoking and nicotine consumption increases the pathological risk to endocrine, reproductive, respiratory, cardiovascular and neurological systems that all rely heavily on cell-to-cell communication. Again, this is another study that has shown a significant link between embryo health and development and the negative impact prenatal nicotine toxicity has.